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The oils produced from the olive and canola seeds are the healthiest oils in the oil category. Oil is an important source of fats and vitamins such as E and A, which are needed by the body to function better. In addition, they can be used in spray that regulates the quantity as required.
Canola oil
Canola oil is an oil with many advantages. It includes healthy oils such as monounsaturated fat that balances cholesterol.
This is a source of omega-3 plant - a vital fatty acid that the body cannot produce by itself, and its sources in the diet are not many ideal for frying, roasting and certain baking applications.
We also formulate products for specific purposes such as popcorn oils and oil sprays that are ideal for pan and grilling applications.

Olive oil
Olive oil contains many benefits. It contains monounsaturated fat that is considered to lower "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and higher "good" cholesterol (HDL).
In addition, research on populations consuming olive oil suggests that there is a link between its consumption on a regular basis and a reduction in the risk of many diseases, including heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, colorectal cancer and asthma. In addition, one of the phytochemicals in olive oil, a substance called Oleocanthal, which gives the oil the characteristic sharp taste, has been studied extensively in recent years.
The finding was that it could prevent processes leading to Alzheimer's and encourage the death of cancer cells. Ideal for frying, seasoning and cooking.

Oil sprays
The oil spray is based on 2 types of oil: Canola spray and spray based on virgin olive oil. The use of spray allows easy, clean and accurate use.
The sprays are suitable for a variety of uses: frying, cooking and baking, including the preparation of everyday dishes such as omelet frying, stir-fried vegetables, salad seasoning as well as baking and baking molds, all efficiently and conveniently.
The oil sprays help control the amount of oil used during food preparation.