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+972 983 22 080

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P.O.B. 2635 Netanya, Israel 4222109

A Mediterranean diet is known for its health qualities and the benefits it provides for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease.
Food and eating habits along with environmental and social influences make the Mediterranean diet recommended by nutritionists, researchers and physicians.
Changing dietary habits and eating healthier foods may reduce the risk of outbreaks of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and more.
The following are some examples of some of our products:

Olives are considered one of the most important food products in the Mediterranean region.
Olive is a particularly healthy fruit and its nutrients help almost every part of the body function better. You can snack them as a snack or enjoy them in the form of a spread.
Green or black, rounded or elongated, whole, pitted or rings, everyone loves them.

Capers have long been a favorite in the Mediterranean region.
The small, green buds lend a piquant sour and salty flavor to salads, dressings, sauces, vegetables, and a variety of main dishes. 
Brined or dried, capers are valued for the burst of flavor they give to foods, a flavor described as lemony, olive, and definitely salty. They make fun additions to a great variety of recipes, including fish dishes, tapas, pasta and sauces..